Thursday, June 6, 2013

Another Word for Love

It's always a big achievement when a baby starts to talk.  Everyone wonders...."What will be his/her first word?"  Mama?   Daddy?  We coach them and prod them to talk, and just know that our child will be a genius when they start rambling in coherent phrases.  3 of our boys said "Dadda" first and the baby finally got it right and said "Mama".  It was such a proud day.  Finally, the recognition I deserve for the stained blouses, midnight feedings and diaper changing dootie.

Have you ever noticed that a mother's name changes as the situation does?  Mommy is your adorable preschooler/young'n, so sweet and innocent.  Then it gravitates to Mom as they grow up.  With teenagers you're lucky to get "Hey" most days.  But the one that stands above the rest is this one....Anyone recognize it?

As in.....

MAAAHHMM....Garret's in the street dancing.....NAKED!! 

MAAHHMM....Garret turned the hose on....IN THE HOUSE!!

MAAHHMM......Garret's jumping on the trampoline...FROM THE ROOF!!

Lucky he lived to tell about it.

Then one day your babies are making babies and you're a Grandma.  This is where it get's good because you get to choose your name.  My friends are Grandma, Grammy, Nona, Nana, Mimi, MeeMaw, Granny, Gram, there's so many different ones.  My mom is Grammy and Mister's mom is Grandma.  Grammy is the traditional name for the women in our family but....I'm not so traditional.  So I went on the hunt for the perfect name.  One that captured MY personality and sass.  

A name that would do these shoes justice....

How about Lollie.  Lollie?? Yes! And Mister can be Pop.  That way we are Lollie and Pop, like LolliePop.  Perfect!!  

But, Mister is a complete traditionalist and refused to be the other half of our infamous duo so he is Grandpa.  The best part is when we talk to our Little Man and goo at Princess, Little Man says...."Hi Grandpa Lollie", like it's all one word.  Now that's perfect! 

It's the best feeling in the world to be loved again by little ones.  All of the fun and none of the stress.

So I guess a name can mean many different things but when you're a grandparent, whatever your grand kids call you...It is just another word for LOVE.


  1. Hey there Ms Lollie! You have an hidden talent for "blogging". Who would have thunk it? I enjoy your stories. Thank you for sharing them!

  2. I'm called Grandma or Grandma Kay. You're so right we have all the fun being grandparents but none of the stress its great! Love the cute pictures. Cant believe Garrett is still alive with all the crazy things that boy did.
